Mah Buddahs

Mah Buddahs

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sick Chicken

feel better, bebe poulet
In honor of my snuggled on the couch, scratchy throat, snotty nose, feeling cruddy, nicely medicated, Phineas and Ferb watching Chicken - here she is... and as I cough, sniffle and ache, I think I may join her.

You want to be everything for your kids...take their pain away, heal them with your magical mommy powers.  Sometimes though, they will be sick.  So all you can do is snuggle with them and let them know that even though those magical mommy powers can't always take the hurt away, you are at least suffering right beside them, wiping away the snot.


  1. And for those of you who may be wondering, the Chicken has been her nickname since birth and is not meant to be derogatory in any way.

  2. So many times I have wished that the magical mommy powers could take the hurt away.
