Mah Buddahs

Mah Buddahs

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Common Sense is Dying a Slow and Painful Death

I feel the need to rant. This is not a political page, but I am a political person and with the exception of a few hip hoorays here and there, I try not to get too controversial up in here.  I can no longer bite my tongue on a few things.  I hate the taste of blood.
1.  Republicans and conservatives (and Christians) DO NOT have the market cornered on hard work.  I am so sick and tired of of being called a socialist taker who is part of some theoretical gimme class.  I believe in hard work.  I believe in paying taxes…in EVERYONE paying taxes.  I believe that people should be rewarded for their hard work in the form of a living wage and health care benefits.  Being a democrat does not make me lazy or socialist.  It makes me aware that there are those in this country that struggle and need assistance.  It makes me want my tax dollars to go to help those who need them and not those who don't.  For all the Bible talks about caring for the poor, and moreover, for all you rail about how much you think the Bible belongs in our government, your actions consistently, loudly prove otherwise.
2.  Big Government…little government…please pick one.  Republicans claim to want a small a government as possible, yet can't seem to manage to keep their noses out of peoples' bedrooms and doctor's offices.  Keep it simple.  You make your choices on how you want to live your life and I will do the same.  I don't get a say on your Viagra, you can't pipe up on my birth control, deal?  
3.  The damn lies about our President.  There are so many I can't even begin to address them all here, but just to name a few…President Obama is NOT a Muslim.  He was NOT born in Kenya.  He IS an American citizen.  He does NOT hate America.  He does NOT hate white people.  He is NOT a Socialist.  He is NOT trying to bring down this country by saddling it with crippling debt.  He is NOT trying to take away your precious guns.  He is NOT trying to pass Sharia Law in our Constitution.  And for the love of all that is holy, he did NOT order the country's flags to be flown at half staff for the death of Whitney Houston.  Has he made some mistakes?  Yes.  He is human.  Why any human would willingly choose to be President of this country is way beyond my comprehension, he did, and he is doing the best he can with who he has to work with.  And speaking of who he has to work with…
4.  Congress.  Holding our country hostage over a law that has already been passed, reviewed and allowed by the Supreme Court, and enacted, threatening our fragile economic growth, putting millions of families in danger of not being able to pay their bills, shutting down the government is beyond asinine.  Your political games affect real people.  Real families.  Your frightening inability to see that what you are doing on Capital Hill goes beyond your polished marble walls and into the living rooms of your supposedly beloved constituents is horrifying.  You do not love America.  You hate President Obama.  Your hatred runs so deep that allowing him any win, no matter how big or small, is driving you to make choices that will hurt people.  We, the people, are hurting, and you don't care.  You just want to win at any cost.  Is there a price too high for you?  Probably not.
I accept a certain level of partisanship, corruption and downright nastiness from our politicians.  It has been going on for as long as there have been politics to argue about.  I accept that people have differing opinions on political issues and that everyone wants to come out the winner.  That will never change.  Yet in today's current political climate, there is too much hate.  I think if you were to ask the people, normal people just living their lives, the general consensus would be to stop fighting.  Make a deal.  Stop acting like children and get along.  We all pretty much want the same things.  We want to get up every day, go to work, pay the bills, feed our families, maybe take a vacation every once in a while, save for retirement, play with our kids, just live our lives.  We don't want to worry about whether or not an illness will bankrupt us, or a government shut down will wipe out our savings, or some madman with a vendetta and a rifle will wipe us out at our desks.  I don't know about you, but all I'm asking for at this point is a little common sense and maybe, just maybe, a little less hate.         

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